Project Overview
Fueled by the desire to combat emotional eating, Marlie was born. Human-focused, this app empowers users to break free of destructive habits and build healthier relationships with food. Utilizing a rapid development process, we launched an MVP within a year, gaining over 1,000 users.
My Role
From conception to release and beyond, I was Marlie's design lead. I translated the requirements into user flows, crafted wireframes, defined the app's visual identity and design system, and meticulously documented them in Figma. I also championed accessibility and UX principles, while continuously iterating based on user data.
Early Stages
We embraced a low-code platform for a lightning-fast MVP. Based on the requirements we drew out the app’s architecture, we then proceeded to wireframe adhering to accessibility and UX guidelines. However, without a clearly defined user persona beyond a target age range (27-60 years old), we knew user testing was crucial to refine the app. This iterative approach allowed us to continuously learn from user feedback and tailor the design to their specific needs and behaviors.
Conquering Challenges
Limited features in the initial release posed a design challenge – empty screens were unwelcome. The solution? A captivating visual identity, featuring a dynamic, sky-mirroring background that accompanied users throughout their day.
Post-Launch Growth
Pre-Play Store launch anxieties were high, due to the platform's limitations. To our delight, user feedback was overwhelmingly positive, with minimal bug reports. We harnessed this momentum by establishing continuous feedback loops, testing new features, and ensuring ongoing improvement.
As user validation confirmed Marlie's core concept, we transitioned from the low-code platform to our own codebase. This enabled a significant redesign, accommodating the app's expanded features and functionality. We also refined the core architecture and user flows, while freshening the visual identity with a subtle facelift.
The Takeaway
Marlie's journey reflects the importance of iterative design, user-centricity, and embracing challenges as opportunities for growth. The result? A thriving app empowering users to build healthier relationships with food, one delicious bite at a time.
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